I'm excited to start this blog, Dishes&Deals, because it lets me follow my passion - which is cooking, baking and good deals. (My mom is a deal blogger and I love finding deals with her too!) I started baking to do service for an elderly neighbor when I was 12 and saw how happy it made him that someone cared about him. I started simple - baking brownies. I soon started making brownies every Sunday for dinner to take to my grandma's house. But I want to learn more than just how to bake brownies. I want to learn everything about baking so I can become a great chef and learn how to cook good food for my family.

While I do love to cook, I also have to take it easy sometimes. I have a rare heart condition called L-transposition (my heart is sort of backwards in my chest), Epstein's Anomoly (my heart valve doesn't fit right because of the Transposition and I will have to have a valve transplant soon, and WPW (my heart takes and extra skip to beat). I recently had cardiac ablation surgery to get rid of the WPW and make my heart beat normally. The surgery wasn't too bad, but I did have some big bruises and had to miss a week of school. Making up all that homework wasn't fun!
I just turned 13 and I hope to do great things and learn how to blog along the way. Dishes&Deals is a learning experience for me and I'm looking forward to figuring out how to take great pictures and make great recipes. I will also update everyone on my heart journey along the way.
Just watch out though - I do like to get messy!
-The Dish Diva